This is Payless?

When you rarely scour the chain stores out of sheer snobbery and then pop in just for a quick peek, a great find feels so much sweeter. Take, for example, these hottie bombattie peep toe heels from Payless. Somehow, the pale blush color works perfectly on these pasty legs of mine and serves as a fabulous spring neutral with dresses! $16.99 on sale...


Laura said...

I absolutely love these shoes to death - comfortable?

eye4style said...

Surprisingly so! Though I won't dare rock the pleather on steamy summer days, that is just asking for blisters:)

Toya said...


Karinaxoxo said...

Cute, Comfortable and Cheap!!!
I like it!

Lys said...

I'm thinking that Payless merits a second look.. adorable shoes!