Peeka Bu: Sheer Genius or Sheer Idiocy? You Decide

It's rare that an email arrives in my inbox and LITERALLY causes my jaw to drop. In other words, the folks at Peeka Bu have succeeded where few others have in the past.

Billed as the first 'ergonomically designed intimate grooming mirror', Peeka Bu can be placed on any bathroom surface - think mirror, toilet or tub - and holds tight with suction. For the low, low price of $29, the flexible gooseneck makes ALL parts of your lady bits visible - for intimate grooming or up close and personal inspection.

Is it just me or is the Peeka Bu a tad unnecessary?  What do you think? Tell me in the poll or comments below!

  • Yes, please. I am really interested in regular viewings of my lady bits. (14 votes)
  • No, thanks. I don't really need to look at my vag that often. (21 votes)
  • Other (Leave a comment!) (3 votes)


Anonymous said...

WOW! This mirror is def not on my list of must-haves!

mikemcroberts said...

Why is that women are less familiar with their lady bits than their Gyno and waxing specialist. As a dude, I'm buying it - do you know how hard it is to see under your scrotum?

Felicia Sullivan said...

While I'm not about a daily inspection (and obsession), I actually think it's pretty healthful to check yourself out once a month. My doctor and GYN (before I lost my goddamn health benefits) actually recommended it, along with the breast exam. So I don't see the harm in being familiar with what's going on down South.

Kristin Booker said...

You know, I have to say I agree with Felicia's comment. I think it's important to be comfortable with your body and to check for changes regularly from a health perspective. If I'm not comfortable with things down there, I shouldn't expect anyone else to be, either.

I think the mirror is a good thing. I'd snag one.

Yotam Solomon said...
