OOTD: Sweater Weather

While others have bemoaned the summer, I'm thrilled to finally (FINALLY) be able to break out a nice knit without breaking a sweat.  And if that knit is a cheap thrill from Old Navy's fall collection, all the better.

I snagged this adorable cape sweater in store over the weekend, for just $16 during their anniversary sale and couldn't wait to break it out for a seasonally-appropriate look, with just a pop of color. Head to toe,  here's what I wore on Monday:


FTC Disclosure: As part of Old Navy's blogger ambassador program, I received a gift card to shop the store.


Anonymous said...

Love the sweater, I want to head over to Old Navy right now!

DESQUVAL said...

Thanks so for sharing! I love sweater weather too and feel the exact same with fall clothes. I hate how it was warm earlier in the week because it impedes on my beloved layering!

Rachel C said...

Ohhh - I saw that cape in the store but didn't think anything of it! But, it looks so good on I'm going to have to stop by there!
