Lorick, Spring/Summer 2009 Collection

Preliminary Fashion Week activities rolled on this evening with a visit to the world of designer Abigail Lorick and her signature collection, Lorick.

Best known as the ghost line that doubles for Eleanor Waldorf's designs on Gossip Girl, lead show stylist Eric Damon lent his talents to the Lorick presentation as well. Grouped in six vignettes created by set designer Peter Klein, the theme was "A Room of One's Own" :


" In Limbo"

"Bedroom Disaster"

"Cake Coma"

"After the Storm"

"Demolition Party"

"A Room of One's Own"
The Do's:

The Don't's:
  • Nothing? Yes, I think that's it.

The Bon Mot: Be sure to tune into Gossip Girl on Monday, September 8 to see 10 looks from Lorick's Spring/Summer 2009 collection on Eleanor Waldorf's runway!